What is Engine Overboost condition?
Service engine code P0234 means engine Overboost condition. It happens due to several
reasons and mechanical failures that need to be fixed immediately the code is
displayed. P0234 is displayed when the engine control module senses intake
boost pressure more than 4 psi longer than 5 seconds.
Causes of P0234 Error Code
Damaged or clogged supercharger/turbocharger wastegate
Clogged wastegate control valve solenoid
Blocked wastegate control hose which results in poor detection of
boost pressure
Symptoms of Overboost pressure
Check engine light flashes repeatedly and some systems display
P0234 error code
Faulty engine seals or head gaskets
Damaged seal or gasket due to excessive boost pressure inside the
Diagnosis and fixing of engine Overboost pressure condition
Reviewing the data collected by the engine control module
Resetting the code to check whether the problem comes back
Checking the condition and operation of boost pressure solenoid to
ensure the proper functioning of the wastegate
Cleaning of clogged wastegates
To avoid wrong diagnosis service engine code P0234the following guidelines should be kept in
Checking the boost pressure sensor holes for blocks and damages
Sometimes Overboost condition is displayed due to incorrect input
The intake pressure of the engine is increased to obtain more power
from the engine. The condition causes damage to the structural integrity of the
engine and may lead to severe engine failures like a blown head gasket or blown
engine block.
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